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- I just watched Avatar: The Last Airbender 1x05 "Spirited Away" https://trakt.tv/shows/avatar-the-last-airbender-2024/seasons/1/episodes/5 #AvatarTheLastAirbender #trakt link
- 跑AI还真是挺费电的。 link
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- 具有CLI命令和Web界面的WOL # link
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- 感觉Google要完蛋了。 link
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- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x03 "Episode 3" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/3 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x04 "Episode 4" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/4 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x05 "Episode 5" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/5 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x06 "Episode 6" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/6 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x07 "Episode 7" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/7 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x08 "Episode 8" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/8 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x09 "Episode 9" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/9 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
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- I just watched Okura: Cold Case Investigation 1x11 "Episode 11" https://trakt.tv/shows/okura-cold-case-investigation/seasons/1/episodes/11 #OkuraColdCaseInvestigation #trakt link
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Mastodon Daily(2025-01-31)
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Mastodon Daily(2025-02-07)
I just watched The Recruit 1x06 "I.C.I.N.C." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recru...
https://t.co/uNZYlXmkBs 纪录片《老摇滚》,不到1分钟就爆燃,25分钟的时候泪目…… 2017年就要过去了,我很怀念她,也怀念曾经还热爱摇滚乐的日子。 推荐大家看看这部纪录片,在这个辞旧迎新的时刻。 — 零零发 (@linglingfa) Dec...
08:21:36: RT @likev : Python标准库 实现简单的 Web Server,可返回静态或动态网页。无需任何外部框架如 Django 或 Flask。 https://t.co/56OLNzcTiE # ...
13:13:31: 顺丰的速度真是快,昨天晚上深圳发,现在已经开始派送了。 # 14:21:17: 又开始下雪了。 # 15:45:03: 没想到我用的第一个JB设备竟然是MK808电视棒。 # 15:45:53: @nonozone 你没...