Twitter Daily(2020-02-27)
- 00:09:50: 翻出之前100块钱买得个瘦终端搞了一个单臂路由,效果还不错。 #
- 11:33:58: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 在京都小住. (url) #
- 12:28:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第7話. (url) #
- 13:11:45: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~ - いりません。ネーミングがヘンだし、まずいので. (url) #
- 13:34:00: 开个docker编译openwrt x86,已经一上午了还没有结束。 #
- 14:06:00: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~ - 私にとって手術は、プライスレスのライフワークです. (url) #
- 14:23:45: 貌似ADSL单线多拨是有效果的。 #
- 15:33:06: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~ - あなたの手術、失敗したんじゃないですか?. (url) #
- 20:35:46: 重装Nas #
- 21:54:22: 最新的不一定是最好的,切记切记。没事别瞎折腾。 #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-25)
- 11:58:07: 还是把编译Openwrt的工作放在Git上吧每天搬下来就好。 #
- 16:23:55: 关闭了路由器的IPv6的域名解析后,似乎dnsmasq的性能好了一些。 #
- 19:50:36: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~ - 死なせません。私、失敗しないので. (url) #
- 20:50:00: 系统回到10.9之后感觉性能真好。 #
- 20:56:50: 虽然拟物非常好看,但是系统实在是太老了,很多软件已经完全不兼容了。 #
- 21:11:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 星际迷航:皮卡德 - Stardust City Rag. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-22)
- 00:21:34: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Breakdown. (url) #
- 01:05:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Trampoline. (url) #
- 01:48:49: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Disaster. (url) #
- 02:32:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Debts. (url) #
- 03:13:07: 终于优化的像点样了。 #
- 03:15:36: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Claire. (url) #
- 03:59:01: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Take My Hand. (url) #
- 04:43:03: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - First Case, Second Base. (url) #
- 13:04:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Carol's Second Act - Carol's Crush. (url) #
- 13:46:01: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ケイジとケンジ 所轄と地検の24時 - 6. (url) #
- 14:38:48: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - 45-Degree Angle. (url) #
- 18:34:27: 只有讲qbittorrent的"默认 Torrent 管理模式:"改为手动管理,通过WEB API接受过来的SavePath值才会有效。 #
- 18:49:04: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - SFAD. (url) #
- 19:00:30: 广告越来越多越来越恶心准备找生肉+字幕解决问题。 #
- 19:33:06: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Moonshot. (url) #
- 20:16:04: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Incomplete. (url) #
- 20:59:10: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Friends and Family. (url) #
- 21:09:27: Tautulli (QNAP) Anthropocene the Human Epoch was recently added to Plex. #
- 21:42:57: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Fractured. (url) #
- 22:25:51: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Mutations. (url) #
- 22:27:07: flexget实在是太强悍了。 #
- 23:07:51: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Sex and Death. (url) #
- 23:50:13: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Influence. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-21)
- 00:39:14: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Tough Titmouse. (url) #
- 02:27:52: Tautulli (QNAP) 虹色时光 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 05:16:03: Tautulli (QNAP) 洛瑞太太和她的儿子 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 09:22:53: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Carrots. (url) #
- 10:06:00: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Two-Ply (or Not Two-Ply). (url) #
- 10:49:22: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Hubert. (url) #
- 11:32:23: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Stories. (url) #
- 12:15:40: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Empathy. (url) #
- 12:58:50: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Quarantine (Part 1). (url) #
- 13:16:25: 想做的事情太多了但是时间不够啊 #
- 13:18:04: 欲壑难平。 #
- 13:42:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Quarantine (Part Two). (url) #
- 14:38:55: ipv6貌似稳定了。 #
- 17:45:22: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Aftermath. (url) #
- 18:24:00: 这个月基本没有什么消费。 #
- 18:28:24: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Xin. (url) #
- 19:26:21: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 相棒 - けむり. (url) #
- 20:10:30: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Faces. (url) #
- 22:55:29: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Risk and Reward. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-20)
- 00:15:06: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Oliver. (url) #
- 00:55:26: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Pipes. (url) #
- 10:31:45: 貌似又高了。 #
- 10:44:10: 总是奢望奇迹出现。 #
- 10:50:12: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Point Three Percent. (url) #
- 10:52:33: cloudflare的免费CDN都在美帝啊。 #
- 11:33:42: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Not Fake. (url) #
- 12:16:46: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - 22 Steps. (url) #
- 13:00:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Apple. (url) #
- 13:43:12: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Intangibles. (url) #
- 14:26:31: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Sacrifice. (url) #
- 14:43:19: 居家工作真辛苦集中精力干了两个小时的工作就觉得累的不行了。 #
- 15:09:18: 现在用谷歌实在是太不容易了。 #
- 15:09:50: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Islands: Part One. (url) #
- 15:10:40: 如果一个程序还能正常运行那就不要动它。 #
- 15:12:56: 随着年龄的增长人的惰性也在不断增长还好欲望不太容易增长了。 #
- 15:53:34: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Islands: Part Two. (url) #
- 16:25:47: RT @UkyoSugishita: いい加減にしなさい!! あなた方に 人権侵害を言う資格など、ありません!! #
- 17:05:14: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Seven Reasons. (url) #
- 17:48:41: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - She. (url) #
- 18:32:29: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Heartfelt. (url) #
- 19:31:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Pain. (url) #
- 19:36:04: 好像这一版的固件相对稳定了。 #
- 19:38:22: 还是一地鸡毛啊。 #
- 19:41:03: 盛名之下其实难副。 #
- 20:14:29: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Smile. (url) #
- 20:57:52: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - More. (url) #
- 21:40:42: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Hello. (url) #
- 21:48:49: 不知道为什么dnsmasq偶尔会占用大量资源。 #
- 22:24:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Middle Ground. (url) #
- 23:13:58: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - 36 Hours. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-19)
- 04:03:06: Tautulli (QNAP) 赛马女孩 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 10:08:48: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第1話. (url) #
- 14:03:19: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第2話. (url) #
- 14:55:08: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第3話. (url) #
- 15:54:16: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第4話. (url) #
- 17:19:21: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第5話. (url) #
- 18:11:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第6話. (url) #
- 18:30:31: Tautulli (QNAP) And Your Bird Can Sing was recently added to Plex. #
- 19:02:44: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第7話. (url) #
- 19:54:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第8話. (url) #
- 20:08:31: Tautulli (QNAP) 只有爱能让我生存 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 20:45:58: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 同期のサクラ - 第9話. (url) #
- 22:22:55: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Burnt Food. (url) #
- 23:06:04: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妙手仁醫 - Mount Rushmore. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-18)
- 12:30:44: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - Is it Real?. (url) #
- 13:19:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - A Willing Person. (url) #
- 14:06:41: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - Honest to Yourself. (url) #
- 14:54:00: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - Closure. (url) #
- 15:10:44: ttrss的数据迁移失败了,放弃。 #
- 15:51:49: 把原来运行在虚拟机里的应用都转移到docker里了。 #
- 17:34:11: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - No Right Answer. (url) #
- 18:20:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - A Second Chance. (url) #
- 19:07:35: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - Party Blues. (url) #
- 19:52:33: Tautulli (QNAP) 小羊肖恩2:末日农场 a Shaun the Sheep Movie Farmageddon was recently added to Plex. #
- 19:54:21: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - Attachment to the Past. (url) #
- 20:10:59: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 前男友狂 - All it Takes is Love. (url) #
- 20:38:14: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched この男は人生最大の過ちです - 何だこのモヤモヤ. (url) #
- 21:20:39: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アライブ がん専門医のカルテ - Ep6. (url) #
- 22:09:57: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第5話. (url) #
- 22:56:26: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第6話. (url) #
- 23:38:50: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アリバイ崩し承ります - Episode 3. #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-17)
- 13:21:09: 在路由器上过滤广告性能太差了,还是搞一个DNS过滤广告吧。 #
- 13:33:17: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 絶対に渡さない…! 悪質買収VS子供たちの"夢の消しゴム作戦" 10年ぶりの父子再会. (url) #
- 14:07:59: 貌似IPv6的端口还都开放着。 #
- 14:18:38: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 第4話. (url) #
- 15:52:11: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 第5話. (url) #
- 18:25:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 第6話. (url) #
- 19:10:53: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 第7話. (url) #
- 19:56:29: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 最終回. (url) #
- 20:04:31: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アライブ がん専門医のカルテ - Ep2. (url) #
- 20:50:32: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アライブ がん専門医のカルテ - Ep3. (url) #
- 21:11:32: 想把dns迁移到Cloudflare上去。 #
- 21:36:51: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アライブ がん専門医のカルテ - Ep4. (url) #
- 22:23:08: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アライブ がん専門医のカルテ - Ep5. (url) #
- 22:46:00: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第03週(015)ビバ!大阪新生活. (url) #
- 23:01:03: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第03週(016)ビバ!大阪新生活. (url) #
- 23:42:24: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第03週(017)ビバ!大阪新生活. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-16)
- 00:04:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 8: Redemption. (url) #
- 14:05:56: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 病室で念仏を唱えないでください - Ep5. (url) #
- 14:51:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Star Trek: Picard - Absolute Candor. (url) #
- 18:14:09: Tautulli (QNAP) 永远的三丁目的夕阳之1964 was recently added to Plex. #
- 18:14:34: Tautulli (QNAP) 永远的三丁目的夕阳 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 18:18:35: Tautulli (QNAP) 爱情手册2 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 18:35:46: Tautulli (QNAP) 攀登者 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 18:50:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 沉睡的人鱼之家. (url) #
- 20:03:27: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ケイジとケンジ 所轄と地検の24時 - Ep4. (url) #
- 21:00:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 私は攻めを選びます "敵"は社員7万人!? 上司が元夫でヒヤリ. (url) #
- 22:17:44: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ハル ~総合商社の女~ - 10億超!? 病院買収 医療界のドン落とせ! 元夫は敵か味方か!?. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-15)
- 12:51:00: 准备把虚拟机里的所有的docker转移到QNAP里去。 #
- 21:58:30: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ケイジとケンジ 所轄と地検の24時 - Ep5. (url) #
- 22:23:28: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Carol's Second Act - Top of the List. (url) #
- 22:57:18: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 7: The Reckoning. (url) #
- 23:19:55: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 6: The Prisoner. (url) #
- 23:22:04: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 6: The Prisoner. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-14)
- 00:13:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 2: The Child. (url) #
- 05:31:38: Tautulli (QNAP) 西部明星 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 09:47:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 3: The Sin. (url) #
- 14:45:46: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 怒火救援. (url) #
- 17:02:01: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 伸冤人. (url) #
- 17:31:45: 多拨后上传速度翻倍了。 #
- 17:35:08: 为了多拨暂时放弃IPv6虽然这两个作用都不太大。 #
- 20:07:41: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 小谢尔顿 - A Boyfriend's Ex-Wife and a Good Luck Head Rub. (url) #
- 20:36:55: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 伸冤人2. (url) #
- 21:05:41: 这个世界谁不害怕呢? #
- 21:52:32: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 4: Sanctuary. (url) #
- 22:28:49: Tautulli (QNAP) A Shaun the Sheep Movie Farmageddon was recently added to Plex. #
- 22:28:52: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 5: The Gunslinger. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-13)
- 10:34:39: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 病室で念仏を唱えないでください - ここは奇跡のおきる場所—. (url) #
- 11:24:57: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 病室で念仏を唱えないでください - 救えない命はない. (url) #
- 12:22:33: Tautulli (QNAP) 阳光灿烂的日子 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 12:23:55: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 病室で念仏を唱えないでください - Episode 4. (url) #
- 13:06:10: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched おっさんずラブ - OPEN THE DOOR!. (url) #
- 13:46:57: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched おっさんずラブ - けんかをやめて. (url) #
- 14:27:49: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched おっさんずラブ - 君の名は。. (url) #
- 15:09:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched おっさんずラブ - 第三の男. (url) #
- 16:36:30: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 大叔的愛 - 你能出櫃嗎?. (url) #
- 18:18:56: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 大叔的愛 - 請把令郎交給我!. (url) #
- 18:50:57: Tautulli (QNAP) 冰雪奇缘2 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 19:00:03: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 大叔的愛 - 快樂婚禮!?. (url) #
- 19:15:21: 今天工作不努力明天努力找工作。 #
- 19:18:38: 最近编译的路由器的固件都不是很稳定或多或少都有些问题还要保留了上一版稳定的固件先坚持一段时间看看。 #
- 19:41:07: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 大叔的愛 - Episode 8. (url) #
- 20:08:18: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched この男は人生最大の過ちです - Ep4. (url) #
- 20:45:39: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched The Mandalorian - Chapter 1: The Mandalorian. (url) #
- 21:20:21: Tautulli (QNAP) 捡来的孩子 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 21:27:26: Tautulli (QNAP) 花椒之味 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 22:30:35: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 骡子. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-12)
- 10:27:27: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第01週(004)はじめまして信楽(しがらき). (url) #
- 10:42:40: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第01週(005)はじめまして信楽(しがらき). (url) #
- 10:57:53: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第01週(006)はじめまして信楽(しがらき). (url) #
- 11:13:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第02週(007)意地と誇りの旅立ち. (url) #
- 11:28:19: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第02週(008)意地と誇りの旅立ち. (url) #
- 11:43:30: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第02週(009)意地と誇りの旅立ち. (url) #
- 11:58:42: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第02週(010)意地と誇りの旅立ち. (url) #
- 13:05:45: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第02週(011)意地と誇りの旅立ち. (url) #
- 13:20:59: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第02週(012)意地と誇りの旅立ち. (url) #
- 13:36:12: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第03週(013)ビバ!大阪新生活. (url) #
- 13:51:24: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第03週(014)ビバ!大阪新生活. (url) #
- 15:12:48: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 这个男人来自地球. (url) #
- 17:10:44: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 科洛弗悖论. (url) #
- 19:31:45: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 狂赌之渊. (url) #
- 21:30:11: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 漫长的告别. (url) #
- 23:57:55: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 色戒. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-11)
- 09:10:38: Tautulli (QNAP) 野玫瑰 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 10:53:06: Tautulli (QNAP) 寄生虫 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 16:33:56: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 利刃出鞘. (url) #
- 17:11:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第01週(003)はじめまして信楽(しがらき). (url) #
- 18:03:13: 搞了下单线多拨貌似速度上没有什么变化。 #
- 21:54:38: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 寄生虫. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-10)
- 02:56:20: Tautulli (QNAP) 假面饭店 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 12:17:49: Tautulli (QNAP) A Shaun the Sheep Movie Farmageddon was recently added to Plex. #
- 15:03:52: Tautulli (QNAP) 宝贝男孩 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 19:12:40: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 07. (url) #
- 19:55:54: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 08. (url) #
- 20:03:05: 貌似这样设置所有的上网设备就都能拿到IPv6地址了。 (url) #
- 20:39:16: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 9. (url) #
- 21:22:50: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 10. (url) #
- 22:10:33: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アリバイ崩し承ります - Episode 2. #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-08)
- 11:34:03: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - サギ師を騙し返す謎の組織誕生. (url) #
- 11:34:53: Tautulli (QNAP) 利刃出鞘 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 12:17:26: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 2. (url) #
- 13:01:04: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 3. (url) #
- 16:00:23: RT @Crazyinnasia: Wow! 👏🏻 (url) #
- 18:10:32: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - 危険な美容商品詐欺. (url) #
- 18:54:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched チート~詐欺師の皆さん、ご注意ください~ - Episode 5. (url) #
- 23:12:52: 希望未来不会像《十二只猴子》那样。 #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-07)
- 10:07:36: 但丁何在。 #
- 10:47:56: 管住自己。 #
- 11:19:56: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 相棒 - 善悪の彼岸〜深淵. (url) #
- 11:43:30: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 7. #
- 12:43:55: RT @williamlong: "我翻开历史一查,这历史没有年代,歪歪斜斜的每页上都写着'仁义道德'四个字。我横竖睡不着,仔细看了半夜,才从字缝里看出字来,满本都写着两个字是'吃人'!" ——鲁迅 《狂人日记》 #
- 13:13:13: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 8. #
- 13:22:59: RT @jinkding: 刚才看了《人物》写李医生的文章,发出来几个小时我不敢点开来,开开关关三四次,咬牙看完了。这张李医生在人人网的照片真正击中心脏。我们这个时代所有的人恐怕都有一张这样的照片在人人上。 (url) #
- 13:59:33: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 9. #
- 14:44:54: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 10. #
- 15:36:31: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アリバイ崩し承ります - Episode 1. (url) #
- 15:54:08: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第01週(002)はじめまして信楽(しがらき). (url) #
- 17:14:50: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched アリバイ崩し承ります - Episode 1. (url) #
- 17:20:55: Tautulli (QNAP) 少年乔乔的异想世界 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 18:00:30: RT @KenWong_: 李文亮父母医院整理遗物,称儿子不会撒谎,遗憾未见最后一面 (url) #
- 19:01:29: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 仲夏夜惊魂. (url) #
- 19:39:01: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 少年謝爾頓 - A Slump, a Cross and Roadside Gravel. (url) #
- 19:51:56: RT @fuxianyi: "其实,李文亮医生并不是英雄,面对警察,他很害怕,担心影响前途,承认自己是造谣,写下了明白两个字,如果疫情没有爆发,他也不会再多说一个字!其实他没有哨子可以吹,也没有向公众大喊危险,只是偷偷告诉他的朋友和亲人,让他们小心,让他们要注意。但为什么我们都… #
- 19:55:51: 我受伤害了就是你不对哪怕跟你没关系。 #
- 20:24:53: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Star Trek: Picard - The End is the Beginning. (url) #
- 20:40:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 少年謝爾頓 - A Slump, a Cross and Roadside Gravel. (url) #
- 20:52:40: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Carol's Second Act - Secrets. (url) #
- 21:05:19: RT @comradestali: 纪念医生,纪念这么一个欢乐的人。他存在过,我们永不忘记。#LiWenliangHero (url) #
- 21:49:27: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 地球脉动 第二季 - 草原. (url) #
- 22:23:38: Tautulli (QNAP) A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood was recently added to Plex. #
- 23:35:58: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 病室で念仏を唱えないでください - 僧侶で救急医 型破りな男が命と心を救う. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-06)
- 00:00:49: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 行长 野崎修平第2季 - Episode 3. #
- 00:28:07: 建了一个telegram的机器人,当Plex里添加了新资源的时候就通知我。 #
- 01:06:41: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched スカーレット - 第01週(001)はじめまして信楽(しがらき). (url) #
- 10:42:52: 每天这么吵来吵去让我觉得这个小破球没啥希望了。#降临派 #
- 10:51:19: RT (url) (url) #
- 14:19:16: 希望人心向善。 #
- 15:00:22: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 21 Bridges. (url) #
- 17:40:31: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 1. #
- 18:34:24: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 2. #
- 19:02:51: reeder+ttrss+rsshub+zhihu,这个组合很不错。 #
- 19:17:53: 会加速工业革命的进程吗? #
- 19:25:10: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 3. #
- 20:11:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 4. #
- 21:13:28: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 5. #
- 22:00:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 4分間のマリーゴールド - Episode 6. #
- 22:36:29: 空悲切 #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-05)
- 00:09:26: Tautulli (QNAP) 浪子神探 - Wait & Hope was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 09:51:34: Tautulli (QNAP) Taylor Swift Miss Americana was recently added to Plex. #
- 09:55:03: Tautulli (QNAP) 南方车站的聚会 未删减版 the Wild Goose Lake was recently added to Plex. #
- 10:21:54: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 13. (url) #
- 11:08:05: 一旦混入泥潭就很难洗清了。 #
- 11:11:27: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 14. (url) #
- 11:53:44: Tautulli (QNAP) One Last Christmas was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 12:00:49: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 15. (url) #
- 12:51:50: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 16. (url) #
- 14:01:45: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 超人之死. (url) #
- 15:06:15: 又一次被提示要实名验证了不用了还不行吗? #
- 15:08:06: 安贫乐道随遇而安把。 #
- 15:27:58: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 猎杀星期一. (url) #
- 16:39:48: Tautulli (QNAP) 恋はつづくよどこまでも - 恋のイレギュラー発生!? was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 19:20:20: RT @tongbingxue: Faces of China in 2020: Marks of Masks Doctors and nurses who are combating #Wuhan Coronavirus in Changsha, capital of Hu… #
- 19:57:15: Tautulli (QNAP) 21座桥 21 Bridges was recently added to Plex. #
- 21:25:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第4話. (url) #
- 21:36:28: 稳定压倒一切。 #
- 22:18:34: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 行长 野崎修平第2季 - Episode 1. #
- 23:10:08: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 行长 野崎修平第2季 - Episode 2. #
- 23:33:07: 这会是东北的一个机会吗? #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-04)
- 12:16:22: 无所适从。 #
- 12:29:19: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 地球脉动 第二季 - 岛屿. (url) #
- 12:45:06: Tautulli (QNAP) 最后的女人 was recently added to Plex. #
- 13:06:31: 还是挺尸装死吧 #
- 13:22:07: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 地球脉动 第二季 - 山脉. (url) #
- 13:31:44: Tautulli (QNAP) 21 Bridges was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 14:14:21: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 地球脉动 第二季 - 丛林. (url) #
- 15:06:26: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 地球脉动 第二季 - 沙漠. (url) #
- 15:30:42: 不破不立。 #
- 15:41:32: Tautulli (QNAP) 罗宾汉:起源 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 16:37:00: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 5. (url) #
- 17:23:43: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 6. (url) #
- 17:33:53: 烙饼烫手了,四体不勤 #
- 19:16:08: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 7. (url) #
- 20:02:52: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 8. (url) #
- 20:49:37: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 9. (url) #
- 21:19:42: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 10. (url) #
- 22:02:27: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 11. (url) #
- 22:39:35: Tautulli (QNAP) 少年謝爾頓 - A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 22:50:53: Tautulli (QNAP) A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood was recently added to Plex. #
- 22:55:34: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 12. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-03)
- 00:32:40: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 肥龙过江. (url) #
- 09:47:10: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第1話. (url) #
- 10:00:29: 利益交换 #
- 10:01:07: RT @cityknight2000: 手洗いの重要性が一目でわかる実験 ①Chromebookのキーボードを拭いたパン ②手を付けてないパン ③手で触ったパン ④石鹸で洗った手で触ったパン ⑤ハンド消毒剤でだけで消毒して触ったパン (url)… #
- 10:33:31: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第2話. (url) #
- 10:33:46: 不破不立。 #
- 11:20:35: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第3話. (url) #
- 11:47:16: 用RSS Reader看知乎的最大好处是:即使原文已经404了,也还可以看到。 #
- 13:03:25: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 日日是好日. (url) #
- 16:03:16: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 中国机长. (url) #
- 16:36:53: RT @yun_chuang: 国产老牌文献管理软件 NoteExpress VIP功能全网免费3个月。看到下方红字注释笑了。 (url) #
- 16:39:36: RT @Dispomanfaa: 日本捐赠物写着:岂曰无衣,与子同裳。另一次写着:山川异域,风月同天。 我们就一句走天下:一方有难,八方支援。 (url) #
- 17:31:12: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 水墨. (url) #
- 18:27:38: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 爱探险的朵拉:消失的黄金城. (url) #
- 19:11:09: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 第一滴血5:最后的血. (url) #
- 21:12:59: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 速度与激情:特别行动. (url) #
- 22:15:18: 这个是真NB。(url) #
- 22:43:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 妖猫传. (url) #
- 23:09:30: Tautulli (QNAP) トップナイフ-天才脳外科医の条件- - 第4話 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-02)
- 00:07:44: Tautulli (QNAP) : 病室で念仏を唱えないでください - 救えない命はない was recently added to Plex. #
- 06:19:57: Tautulli (QNAP) : Cloverfield Extras3 I Saw It Its Alive Its Huge Grym was recently added to Plex. #
- 07:24:45: Tautulli (QNAP) : Cloverfield Extras5 Alternate Endings With Commentary Grym was recently added to Plex. #
- 07:32:00: Tautulli (QNAP) : Cloverfield Extras2 Visual Effects Grym was recently added to Plex. #
- 07:33:10: Tautulli (QNAP) : Cloverfield Extras4 Clover Fun Grym was recently added to Plex. #
- 07:33:20: Tautulli (QNAP) : Cloverfield Extras1 the Making of Cloverfield Grym was recently added to Plex. #
- 07:35:13: Tautulli (QNAP) : 科洛弗档案 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 09:31:35: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 1. #
- 10:12:31: Tautulli (QNAP) : この男は人生最大の過ちです - 奴隷にしてください was recently added to Plex. #
- 10:36:08: 思想钢印。 #
- 11:06:36: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 2. (url) #
- 11:48:33: RT @KenWong_: 无法告别 (url) #
- 11:48:45: 他们配不上 #
- 15:23:44: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 7. (url) #
- 16:35:17: Tautulli (QNAP) 肥龙过江 H265版 Enter the Fat Dragon was recently added to Plex. #
- 16:42:02: RT @linglingfa: 这就是正确的教育:日本学校给家长发的通知:"随着信息在新闻和网络上的不断扩散,大家不要对中国以及在武汉生活的人产生言论上的不平等对待,请各位家长和孩子说起此事时要从培养孩子的正确人权意识出发,注意言行!… #
- 17:31:26: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 阿甘正传. (url) #
- 18:30:20: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 8. (url) #
- 18:39:33: RT @powerbabeyt: 这才是民间艺人 (url) #
- 19:20:49: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 9. (url) #
- 19:59:37: Tautulli (QNAP) 科洛弗悖论 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 20:13:04: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 10. (url) #
- 20:16:06: TAUTULLI这个PLEX的扩展还真是很强大。 #
- 21:03:02: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Nippon Noir-刑警Y的反叛- - Episode 3. (url) #
- 21:37:51: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 癒されたい男 - Episode 1. (url) #
- 22:03:37: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched この男は人生最大の過ちです - 奴隷にしてください. (url) #
- 22:07:37: Tautulli (QNAP) この男は人生最大の過ちです - Ep3 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 22:10:00: 有v6的ip,也通过了ipv6的测试,但是这一天没有看到ipv6的流量。 #
- 22:27:59: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched この男は人生最大の過ちです - 人生最大の不覚. (url) #
- 22:51:54: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched この男は人生最大の過ちです - Ep3. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-02-01)
- 10:03:57: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 不死劫. (url) #
- 12:19:56: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 玻璃先生. (url) #
- 12:40:46: Tautulli (QNAP) : 星际迷航:皮卡德第1季 - Season 1 was recently added to Plex. #
- 13:07:29: Tautulli (QNAP) : 少年謝爾頓 - Contracts, Rules and a Little Bit of Pig Brains was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 13:44:42: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 少年謝爾頓 - Contracts, Rules and a Little Bit of Pig Brains. (url) #
- 14:25:32: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Star Trek: Picard - Remembrance. (url) #
- 14:35:04: 法律是约束人行为的最低标准。 #
- 15:10:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Star Trek: Picard - Maps and Legends. (url) #
- 17:32:59: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 百万元与苦虫女. (url) #
- 19:11:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 继母与女儿的蓝调 - Episode 99. (url) #
- 20:04:13: RT @_sakanoue: (url) #
- 20:09:24: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 只有芸知道. (url) #
- 21:37:48: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 雪人奇缘. (url) #
- 22:55:01: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 格兰德岛. (url) #
Twitter Daily(2020-01-31)
- 00:05:03: Tautulli (QNAP) 触不可及 美版 the Upside was recently added to Plex. #
- 01:06:47: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 分裂. (url) #
- 01:16:29: Tautulli (QNAP) 迷人的印度 was recently added to Plex. #
- 01:32:29: Tautulli (QNAP) 哪吒之魔童降世 was recently added to Plex. #
- 01:48:33: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Season 6 was recently added to Plex. #
- 02:04:06: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Season 4 was recently added to Plex. #
- 02:04:46: Tautulli (QNAP) Ready for War was recently added to Plex. #
- 02:07:52: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Chapter 40 was recently added to Plex. #
- 03:19:30: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Season 1 was recently added to Plex. #
- 03:49:11: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Season 5 was recently added to Plex. #
- 04:29:30: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Chapter 14 was recently added to Plex. #
- 05:09:26: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) was recently added to Plex. #
- 05:14:01: Tautulli (QNAP) House of Cards (US) - Season 2 was recently added to Plex. #
- 05:49:06: Tautulli (QNAP) 百万元与苦虫女 was recently added to Plex. #
- 05:52:02: Tautulli (QNAP) 这个男孩必须被释放 was recently added to Plex. #
- 13:20:19: Tautulli (QNAP) 相棒 - 善悪の彼岸〜ピエタ was recently added to Plex. #
- 13:31:13: RT @linglingfa: 如果有一个人先放了一把山火,当然他的主观意愿并不是想烧山,但是客观上火大了控制不住了,这个人随后加入到扑灭山火的行动中,非常英勇,身负重伤。那么,这个人是英雄还是罪犯? 所以,如果将来查出来真有人刻意隐瞒疫情初期信息导致今天的局面,该如何定性是不… #
- 13:54:29: Tautulli (QNAP) 低俗小说 was recently added to Plex. #
- 14:47:34: 还是没有搞定在debian上设置静态IP并上网的问题,只好在路由器上下手了。 #
- 14:51:55: 编译了一个基于最新代码的路由器固件,希望能稳定的运行。 #
- 15:27:31: iBeyond has watched 克隆人. (vIm" title="https://t.co/lBvU10wvIm">url) #
- 16:57:33: iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 1. (url) #
- 17:35:49: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched 相棒 - 善悪の彼岸〜ピエタ. (url) #
- 17:50:18: Tautulli (QNAP) : 玻璃先生 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 18:23:23: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 2. (url) #
- 19:22:06: 棋盘太大看不清了。 #
- 19:23:10: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 3. (url) #
- 19:35:14: 有时候莫名其妙的负载变得很高,不知道什么原因。 #
- 19:35:50: 要不要用HAPROXY做个负载平衡啊。 #
- 19:50:33: Tautulli (QNAP) : Unbreakable Extras3 Nights First Fight Sequence Grym was recently added to Plex. #
- 20:10:47: Tautulli (QNAP) : 不死劫 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 20:12:05: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 4. (url) #
- 21:03:44: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched House of Cards (US) - Chapter 5. (url) #
- 21:07:33: Tautulli (QNAP) : Carol's Second Act - Night Lemons was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 21:07:37: Tautulli (QNAP) : ケイジとケンジ 所轄と地検の24時 - Ep3 was recently added to Plex. #
- 21:32:14: Tautulli (QNAP) : 爱尔兰人 was recently added to Plex. (url) #
- 21:45:55: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched Carol's Second Act - Night Lemons. (url) #
- 22:34:39: Plex (QNAP) iBeyond has watched ケイジとケンジ 所轄と地検の24時 - Ep3. #
- 22:44:06: I just watched Police and Prosecutor 1x03 (url) #trakt #
- 23:07:42: Tautulli (QNAP) : 恋无止境第102季 - Episode 3 was recently added to Plex. #
- 23:33:09: I just watched House of Cards 1x06 "Chapter 6" (url) #HouseofCards #trakt #
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Mastodon Daily(2025-01-15)
眼花的想死。 link ...
https://t.co/uNZYlXmkBs 纪录片《老摇滚》,不到1分钟就爆燃,25分钟的时候泪目…… 2017年就要过去了,我很怀念她,也怀念曾经还热爱摇滚乐的日子。 推荐大家看看这部纪录片,在这个辞旧迎新的时刻。 — 零零发 (@linglingfa) Dec...
08:21:36: RT @likev : Python标准库 实现简单的 Web Server,可返回静态或动态网页。无需任何外部框架如 Django 或 Flask。 https://t.co/56OLNzcTiE # ...
13:13:31: 顺丰的速度真是快,昨天晚上深圳发,现在已经开始派送了。 # 14:21:17: 又开始下雪了。 # 15:45:03: 没想到我用的第一个JB设备竟然是MK808电视棒。 # 15:45:53: @nonozone 你没...