- I just watched The Recruit 1x06 "I.C.I.N.C." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/6 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- DeepSeek-R1论文 中文版(R1翻译) # link
- 接口和接口开发的基本概念 # link
- Ubuntu Linux 内核版本升级指南:mainline # link
- 稍一稍赞同了回答: 中国各地的重男轻女有什么不同? # link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x07 "I.M.F.T.B.S." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/7 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- 自说自话的总裁发表了文章: 海参:一种人类刚刚重新认识的'深海精灵',它真的能美容养颜,再生造化吗?为何昔日八珍之首如今却只需100元3斤|自说自话的总裁 # link
- 梨花与虎收藏了回答: 做很多菜时,为什么菜谱上要强调放在冰箱中腌制,更容易入味么? # link
- 药铺学长高中文科赞同了回答: 战国时的秦国几乎没出过一个昏君,为什么还要经过163年6世才完成统一? # link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x08 "W.T.F.I.O.H." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/8 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- 忘忧玲赞同了回答: 蜘蛛结一张网后至少需要逮到多少昆虫才算不亏? # link
- I just watched Severance 2x04 "Woe's Hollow" https://trakt.tv/shows/severance/seasons/2/episodes/4 #Severance #trakt link
- I just watched The Recruit 2x01 "Y.N.A.H.Y.A.L." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/2/episodes/1 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- 麦文学赞同了回答: 都基于POSIX,Linux和FreeBSD在同一个处理器平台下为什么原生二进制不兼容? # link
- 王之葵托利赞同了回答: 除了Ollama外,还有哪些比较简单的跨平台工具,可以简单地在本地,部署开源AI大模型? # link
- I just watched Goosebumps: The Vanishing 1x01 "Stay Out of the Basement (1)" https://trakt.tv/shows/goosebumps-the-vanishing/seasons/1/episodes/1 #GoosebumpsTheVanishing #trakt link
- I just watched Inside Job 1x01 "Unpresidented" https://trakt.tv/shows/inside-job-2021/seasons/1/episodes/1 #InsideJob #trakt link
iBeyond's Life
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-07)
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-06)
- 银河系第四天灾回答了问题: 招商银行的私人银行是怎么样的? # link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x01 "I.N.A.S.I.A.L." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/1 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x02 "N.L.T.S.Y.P." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/2 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x03 "Y.D.E.K.W.Y.D." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/3 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x04 "I.Y.D.I.A.A.C." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/4 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- for srt in *.srt; do ep=$(echo "$srt" | grep -oE 'S[0-9]+E[0-9]+'); vid=$(ls *"$ep"*.mkv 2>/dev/null); [ -n "$vid" ] && mv -v "$srt" "$(basename "$vid" .mkv).zh.srt"; done link
- I just watched The Recruit 1x05 "T.S.L.A.Y.P." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recruit-2022/seasons/1/episodes/5 #TheRecruit #trakt link
- 小约翰赞同了回答: 为什么现在的日本沦落为韩国与西班牙一个档次? # link
- 江左梅郎赞同了回答: 如果看待我国失信被执行人人数已占总人口的1%? # link
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-05)
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x07 "Here Comes My Baby" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/7 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
- invalid s赞同了回答: 为什么家庭用电不用三相电? # link
- edmond赞同了回答: 苏东坡落难的时候不能吃羊肉只能吃猪肉。古代的猪肉很难吃吗? # link
- 游子离赞同了文章: 津轻海峡之冬景色—津轻氏弘前藩 # link
- 译文 | 正则表达式的真正实力 # link
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x08 "Homecoming" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/8 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
- I just watched The Wild Robot (2024) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-wild-robot-2024 #TheWildRobot #trakt link
- Docker 稳定性保障:Ubuntu 环境版本锁定方案 # link
- I just watched Ne Zha (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/ne-zha-2019 #NeZha #trakt link
- I just watched The Crown 1x01 "Wolferton Splash" https://trakt.tv/shows/the-crown/seasons/1/episodes/1 #TheCrown #trakt link
- 浅谈树莓派 4B tar 增量备份还原 # link
- 思哲回答了问题: 2025年房地产市场如何? # link
- 睡前消息是懂新闻学的,是一档很好的娱乐节目。 link
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-04)
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x04 "Avian Flu" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/4 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
- 如何给NVIDIA的vgpu-kvm驱动打补丁强开vGPU # link
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x05 "Lovebird" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/5 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
- 在Mac上部署DeepSeek R1模型,设置知识库对话、peompt等 # link
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x06 "Bye Bye Birdie" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/6 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-03)
- 云清赞同了回答: 磁通量是什么,如何理解? # link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x03 "Formalized, Complex, and Costly" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/3 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- 盖因斯iFortune赞同了回答: 如何看待2024中国gdp已经达到日本的5倍? # link
- 闲置笔记本变身 Steam OS 游戏主机 # link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x04 "Newer Elements of Our Defense" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/4 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- qbittorrentee的下载速度突然变得很慢,不知道是什么原因,清除所有配置,保持默认再试试。 link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x05 "Scarred by Many Past Frustrations" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/5 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x06 "Certain Agony of the Battlefield" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/6 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- 貌似用BT的越来越少了,是因为在线影视比较发达的原因吗? link
- 江左梅郎赞同了回答: 我国公务员医保卡比普通的医保卡好很多吗? # link
- 自托管看板工具BanBan # link
- 全员恶人。 link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x07 "Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/7 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x08 "Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/8 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- 只要种子够热门,还是能把速度拉起来的。 link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x09 "Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/9 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- 有了AI,各种各样的事情做起来容易太多了。 link
- I just watched Orphan Black 3x10 "History Yet to Be Written" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/3/episodes/10 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x01 "The Collapse of Nature" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/1 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x02 "Transgressive Border Crossing" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/2 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x03 "The Stigmata of Progress" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/3 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- 黑色孤儿看到后来也不好看了。 link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x04 "From Instinct to Rational Control" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/4 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x05 "Human Raw Material" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/5 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x06 "The Scandal of Altruism" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/6 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x07 "The Antisocialism of Sex" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/7 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x08 "The Redesign of Natural Objects" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/8 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x09 "The Mitigation of Competition" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/9 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 4x10 "From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/4/episodes/10 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x01 "The Few Who Dare" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/1 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x02 "Clutch of Greed" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/2 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x03 "Beneath Her Heart" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/3 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x04 "Let the Children and Childbearers Toil" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/4 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x05 "Ease for Idle Millionaires" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/5 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x06 "Manacled Slim Wrists" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/6 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x07 "Gag or Throttle" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/7 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x08 "Guillotines Decide" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/8 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- I just watched Orphan Black 5x09 "One Fettered Slave" https://trakt.tv/shows/orphan-black/seasons/5/episodes/9 #OrphanBlack #trakt link
- for f in *.mp4; do e=$(grep -o 'S[0-9]\+E[0-9]\+' <<<"$f"); a=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*${e}*.ass"); [ -n "$a" ] && mv -v -- "$a" "${f%.*}.zh.ass"; done link
- DeepSeek的推理太强大了,很有恐怖谷的效应了。 link
- deepseek写程序的能力已经远超普通人,甚至可以说是顶尖专家了。 link
- 我觉得我再怎么努力也写不出那么好的代码了,程序员真的要失业了。 link
- 本地部署的R1和在线的R1差别还是很大的,估计是我的硬件不足吧。 link
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x01 "Lone Wolf" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/1 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
- 网盘上的资源命名还是不太规范,虽然plex可以识别,但是发送到trakt时经常会有莫名奇妙的问题,放弃之,还是自己下载管理吧。 link
- I just watched Omnivore 1x03 "Salt" https://trakt.tv/shows/omnivore/seasons/1/episodes/3 #Omnivore #trakt link
- 费尔公赞同了文章: 熊猫的非洲徒弟闯祸了! # link
- 一直住顶楼赞同了回答: 印度紧随 DeepSeek 要搞自己的 AI 模型,称将与世界上最优秀的模型媲美,印度研发能力怎么样? # link
- 加了一个脚本,每10分钟ping60次百度,如果都没有ping通那就自动重启服务器。 link
- I just watched Omnivore 1x04 "Banana" https://trakt.tv/shows/omnivore/seasons/1/episodes/4 #Omnivore #trakt link
- I just watched Omnivore 1x05 "Pig" https://trakt.tv/shows/omnivore/seasons/1/episodes/5 #Omnivore #trakt link
- I just watched Omnivore 1x06 "Rice" https://trakt.tv/shows/omnivore/seasons/1/episodes/6 #Omnivore #trakt link
- I just watched Omnivore 1x07 "Coffee" https://trakt.tv/shows/omnivore/seasons/1/episodes/7 #Omnivore #trakt link
- I just watched Omnivore 1x08 "Corn" https://trakt.tv/shows/omnivore/seasons/1/episodes/8 #Omnivore #trakt link
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x02 "The Upper Hand" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/2 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
- 麦文学赞同了回答: 为什么黑人基因多样性通常体现在运动能力上而不是体现在智力上? # link
- I just watched Resident Alien 3x03 "141 Seconds" https://trakt.tv/shows/resident-alien/seasons/3/episodes/3 #ResidentAlien #trakt link
博文 (Atom)
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-07)
I just watched The Recruit 1x06 "I.C.I.N.C." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recru...
https://t.co/uNZYlXmkBs 纪录片《老摇滚》,不到1分钟就爆燃,25分钟的时候泪目…… 2017年就要过去了,我很怀念她,也怀念曾经还热爱摇滚乐的日子。 推荐大家看看这部纪录片,在这个辞旧迎新的时刻。 — 零零发 (@linglingfa) Dec...
08:21:36: RT @likev : Python标准库 实现简单的 Web Server,可返回静态或动态网页。无需任何外部框架如 Django 或 Flask。 https://t.co/56OLNzcTiE # ...
13:13:31: 顺丰的速度真是快,昨天晚上深圳发,现在已经开始派送了。 # 14:21:17: 又开始下雪了。 # 15:45:03: 没想到我用的第一个JB设备竟然是MK808电视棒。 # 15:45:53: @nonozone 你没...