- 06:58:46: 戒烟第一百一十四天 #
- 06:59:02: 减肥第一百零五天 #
- 12:42:37: @bbpnb 试试这个(url) #
- 12:58:43: 又要疲于奔命了 #
- 13:23:54: @bbpnb 我记得以前是不需要改agent的看来百度又升级了 #
- 13:28:06: @bbpnb 看来真是这样。现在级别上不用百度网盘了,如果用的话,也是用群晖100KB/s的慢慢下载。 #
- 18:12:53: 碰到啥子是真是没办法啊 #
- 18:18:10: 社畜 #
- 21:53:05: I just watched Elementary 7x10 "The Latest Model" (url) #trakt #
- 22:03:48: I just watched Breaking Bad 4x02 "Thirty-Eight Snub" (url) #trakt #
- 22:27:14: I just watched Breaking Bad 4x03 "Open House" (url) #trakt #
- 23:08:32: 运行了一个月的k2p死机了 #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-30)
Twitter Daily(2019-07-29)
- 06:35:40: 戒烟第一百一十三天 #
- 06:36:01: 减肥第一百零四天 #
- 10:14:32: @keyknight23 缺 #
- 14:29:15: @keyknight23 没有,我家小绵羊正常录取了 #
- 15:56:22: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x05 "Episode 5" (url) #trakt #
- 16:47:55: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 17:13:49: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 18:03:16: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x08 "Episode 8" (url) #trakt #
- 20:11:28: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x09 "Episode 9" (url) #trakt #
- 21:49:54: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x10 "Episode 10" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-28)
- 01:55:26: I just watched Our Departures (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 08:50:06: 戒烟第一百一十二天 #
- 08:50:32: 减肥第一百零三天 #
- 11:14:26: I just watched The Boys 1x01 "The Name of the Game" (url) #trakt #
- 11:36:14: I just watched Breaking Bad 4x01 "Box Cutter" (url) #trakt #
- 19:58:23: I just watched Swamp Thing 1x09 "The Anatomy Lesson" (url) #trakt #
- 21:20:51: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
- 21:23:09: 0.5分就可能完全改变人生啊。 #
- 21:26:13: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x02 "Episode 2" (url) #trakt #
- 22:14:03: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
- 23:21:31: 他们告诉你的和你感受到的可能完全不一样 #
- 23:50:25: I just watched I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! 1x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 23:56:40: 相互保的费用也在不断增加啊 #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-27)
- 00:20:53: I just watched Radiation House 1x11 "A New Promise" (url) #trakt #
- 06:53:05: 戒烟第一百一十一天 #
- 06:53:21: 减肥第一百零二天 #
- 08:36:06: 国会应谴责特朗普种族歧视言论 | Human Rights Watch (url) #
- 10:10:50: RT @aaronnzhang: @KevinSlaten @songma 更有趣的是美国政府要求苹果提供 9943 个账户的数据,然后苹果拒绝了 102 个。 (url) #
- 10:38:50: 交通银行电话银行的体验也跟屎一样没完没了的广告 (url) #
- 10:41:17: 这几年互联网金融的崛起给了传统金融业很大的压力感觉都有点饥不择食了 #
- 10:42:17: 当然也可能只是一种假象可能仍然保有着客户你好我是你爹的想法 #
- 13:31:51: I just watched Unbreakable (2000) (url) #trakt #
- 14:52:05: I just watched Okko's Inn (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 15:46:25: I just watched Innocence, Fight Against False Charges 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
- 23:52:37: I just watched The Long Excuse (2016) (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-24)
- 08:06:27: 戒烟第一百零八天 #
- 08:06:45: 减肥第九十九天 #
- 09:22:59: 向往退休后的生活啊当然是在衣食无忧的前提下。 #
- 10:04:36: @yan_dong_liu 有多少花多少吧没有就去找马克思呗 #
- 10:12:17: @KenWong_ 不知道香港有没有这方面的法律,如果有的话公布他人隐私的行为会不会受到法律的约束。 #
- 10:36:53: @KenWong_ 太狭隘了,没有余额还可以帮你贷款嘛,只要是个自然人就行。 #
- 13:19:48: 何必那么认真呢既然大家都不那么认真的话用他们的平均水平就可以了 #
- 22:24:37: I just watched Radiation House 1x06 "The Pine Tree" (url) #trakt #
- 22:49:25: 爱豆经济太可怕了 #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-23)
- 06:08:09: 戒烟第一百零七天 #
- 06:08:21: 减肥第九十八天 #
- 06:51:13: I just watched Radiation House 1x04 "Fly Again" (url) #trakt #
- 07:00:53: RT @haOFei: 前同事技术大牛王集鹄老哥走了 年仅41岁 RIP (url) #
- 11:10:51: 不平等是常态嫉妒也是正常的 #
- 11:39:08: AppleMusic的歌曲越来越少了。 #
- 12:28:34: 川普上台后贸易战应该是新常态了吧 #
- 12:30:20: 已经开始下雨了吗 #
- 12:32:10: 准备退订applemusic #
- 14:02:57: 垃圾分类应该不仅仅是为了环保更多可能是为了培养一个产业强制消费同时解决就业问题。 #
- 20:14:28: 子非鱼安知鱼之乐 #
- 20:17:42: 我想知道是不是每个人都有说话的权利 #
- 20:20:19: 怎样表达自己的权利才是问题 #
- 21:04:13: I just watched Radiation House 1x05 "Real Family" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-22)
- 07:08:14: 戒烟第一百零六天 #
- 07:08:23: 减肥第九十七天 #
- 07:09:00: 开始新的一周的工作但是真心不想上班啊 #
- 07:16:32: I just watched Radiation House 1x02 "The 1 in 500, 000" (url) #trakt #
- 07:55:29: @yan_dong_liu 体重降了七斤 #
- 08:17:45: 真觉得自己老了只喜欢听二十年以前的歌。 #
- 18:33:31: I just watched Radiation House 1x03 "Rabbit In The Snow" (url) #trakt #
- 19:26:19: I just watched Elementary 7x09 "On the Scent" (url) #trakt #
- 20:14:52: 困的坐着睡着了 #
- 20:15:55: I just watched The Planets 1x01 "A Moment in the Sun - The Terrestrial Planets" (url) #trakt #
- 20:43:24: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x11 "Abiquiu" (url) #trakt #
- 21:31:19: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x12 "Half Measures" (url) #trakt #
- 22:18:55: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x13 "Full Measure" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-21)
- 05:49:23: 戒烟第一百零五天 #
- 05:49:50: 减肥第九十六天 #
- 05:55:36: 人比人气死人啊 #
- 06:28:06: I just watched In Hand 1x08 "Episode 8" (url) #trakt #
- 10:16:28: I just watched In Hand 1x09 "Episode 9" (url) #trakt #
- 11:40:52: I just watched In Hand 1x10 "Episode 10" (url) #trakt #
- 12:50:28: I just watched In Hand 1x11 "Episode 11" (url) #trakt #
- 15:35:39: 沼泽怪兽的特效也太差了在火里烧的时候人的头发竟然没有变化。 #
- 15:37:39: RT @lymikko: 电影版哪吒竟然将剧情改成全家亲情😳 永远忘不了上美厂《哪吒》,哪吒在四海龙王和父亲李靖的逼迫下剔骨还父,割肉还母。 大雨中,哪吒捡起父亲的剑自刎前说:爹爹,你的骨肉我还给你,我不连累你! 父亲拿不出勇气去打败懦弱,只留给七岁的哪吒承担肝肠寸断。 这才… #
- 16:03:08: I just watched Swamp Thing 1x08 "Long Walk Home" (url) #trakt #
- 16:49:08: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x10 "Fly" (url) #trakt #
- 18:16:34: 归根结底还是要看自己。 #
- 18:19:55: 最近医疗剧看的有点多但是心理承受能力仍然差得远。 #
- 18:20:29: I just watched Radiation House 1x01 "Photographer Of Diseases" (url) #trakt #
- 20:39:25: 看到《面孔乐队》的低票数我基本能理解什么是代沟了也替小孩们惋惜因为他们并没有体验过那个时代曾经以为那是个开始没想到那就是巅峰。 #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-20)
- 05:30:19: 减肥第一百零四天 #
- 05:30:31: 戒烟第九十五天 #
- 06:13:32: 感觉quantumult更稳定一些到目前为止没有遇到断流 #
- 09:19:51: 上班上班上班 #
- 09:31:31: I just watched In Hand 1x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 11:07:19: I just watched In Hand 1x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 12:14:12: 现在的网络真的是看不懂了。 #
- 13:52:14: I just watched 100 Yen Love (2014) (url) #trakt #
- 16:01:26: 斐讯的T1彻底死了只能刷第三方固件了。 #
- 16:24:08: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x04 "Green Light" (url) #trakt #
- 18:14:01: I just watched In Hand 1x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 20:25:27: I just watched Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-19)
- 00:01:52: I just watched In Hand 1x02 "Episode 2" (url) #trakt #
- 00:08:00: 试试Quantumult #
- 08:02:21: 戒烟第一百零三天 #
- 08:02:31: 减肥第九十四天 #
- 14:44:39: I just watched In Hand 1x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
- 21:22:15: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x03 "I.F.T." (url) #trakt #
- 22:06:26: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x04 "Green Light" (url) #trakt #
- 22:53:41: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x05 "Mas" (url) #trakt #
- 23:40:56: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x06 "Sunset" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-18)
- 06:58:38: 戒烟第一百零二天 #
- 06:58:49: 减肥第九十三天 #
- 20:14:42: RT @hayeah: Avoiding Chinese censorship keywords (url) #
- 20:52:09: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x12 "Phoenix" (url) #trakt #
- 21:12:40: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x13 "ABQ" (url) #trakt #
- 21:34:08: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x01 "No Mas" (url) #trakt #
- 21:51:27: I just watched Breaking Bad 3x02 "Caballo Sin Nombre" (url) #trakt #
- 23:06:49: I just watched In Hand 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-15)
- 07:20:01: 戒烟第九十九天 #
- 07:20:15: 减肥第九十天 #
- 16:44:57: 看来能上高中了 #
- 21:04:28: @keyknight23 现在是一百七十斤的暖洋洋 #
- 21:44:36: I just watched Hellboy (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 22:06:06: I just watched The Terminator (1984) (url) #trakt #
- 22:35:37: I just watched Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) (url) #trakt #
- 23:50:36: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x08 "Better Call Saul" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-14)
- 08:37:03: 戒烟第九十八天 #
- 08:37:12: 减肥第八十九天 #
- 08:45:34: I just watched Elementary 7x08 "Miss Understood" (url) #trakt #
- 09:45:50: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 10:33:16: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x05 "Episode 5" (url) #trakt #
- 11:24:12: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 12:10:48: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 12:41:45: RT @KenWong_: "整个人快疯了!"女子照顾妈妈9年后崩溃:我比病人更痛苦 (url) 母亲病后,邓文丽再也没和朋友出去旅游,"朋友圈里,看到她们出去玩拍的照片,真是羡慕。"儿子结婚生子,她又要照顾孙辈,两头奔波。邓文丽时常陷焦… #
- 12:57:31: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x08 "Episode 8" (url) #trakt #
- 13:44:08: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x09 "Episode 9" (url) #trakt #
- 14:33:02: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x10 "Episode 10" (url) #trakt #
- 20:11:40: 明天又要上班了。 #
- 20:50:06: I just watched Swamp Thing 1x07 "Brilliant Disguise" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-13)
- 08:03:38: 戒烟第九十七天 #
- 08:03:52: 减肥第八十八天 #
- 08:10:43: RT @beadmomsw: 6 years, 6 months. RIP my darling boy. (url) #
- 08:31:24: I just watched The Expanse 3x11 "Fallen World" (url) #trakt #
- 09:48:41: I just watched The Expanse 3x12 "Congregation" (url) #trakt #
- 10:32:42: I just watched The Expanse 3x13 "Abaddon's Gate" (url) #trakt #
- 10:59:21: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
- 14:03:34: RT @NemaTadashi: お酒をやめよう。 (url) #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-12)
- 07:38:21: 戒烟第九十六天 #
- 07:38:35: 减肥第八十七天 #
- 07:55:43: I just watched The Good Fight 3x09 "The One Where the Sun Comes Out" (url) #trakt #
- 13:30:24: I just watched The Good Fight 3x10 "The One About the End of the World" (url) #trakt #
- 15:16:02: I just watched Toy Story (1995) (url) #trakt #
- 17:33:24: I just watched Men in Black 3 (2012) (url) #trakt #
- 20:55:12: I just watched The Expanse 3x08 "It Reaches Out" (url) #trakt #
- 21:42:21: I just watched The Expanse 3x09 "Intransigence" (url) #trakt #
- 22:24:53: I just watched The Expanse 3x10 "Dandelion Sky" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-11)
- 06:57:40: 戒烟第九十五天 #
- 06:57:58: 减肥第八十六天 #
- 08:26:11: I just watched The Good Fight 3x08 "The One Where Kurt Saves Diane" (url) #trakt #
- 09:55:10: 杭州的老人身体真是好一巴掌就把我扒拉一个趔趄。 #
- 19:47:20: I just watched The Good Fight 3x09 "The One Where the Sun Comes Out" (url) #trakt #
- 20:27:06: I just watched The Good Fight 3x10 "The One About the End of the World" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-10)
- 06:22:04: 戒烟第九十四天 #
- 06:22:14: 减肥第八十五天 #
- 07:38:20: I just watched The Good Fight 3x04 "The One with Lucca Becoming a Meme" (url) #trakt #
- 18:27:24: @flied16 apple music就好 #
- 19:28:32: I just watched The Good Fight 3x05 "The One Where A Nazi Gets Punched" (url) #trakt #
- 21:42:27: I just watched The Good Fight 3x06 "The One with the Celebrity Divorce" (url) #trakt #
- 23:17:38: I just watched The Good Fight 3x07 "The One Where Diane and Liz Topple Democracy" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-05)
- 08:29:08: 戒烟第八十九天。 #
- 08:29:23: 减肥第八十天。 #
- 13:25:16: I just watched The Good Fight 3x02 "The One Inspired by Roy Cohn" (url) #trakt #
- 16:33:48: I just watched A Bride for Rip Van Winkle (2016) (url) #trakt #
- 17:06:51: I just watched The Expanse 3x06 "Immolation" (url) #trakt #
- 17:51:46: I just watched The Expanse 3x07 "Delta-V" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-04)
- 07:15:01: 戒烟第八十八天 #
- 07:15:10: 减肥第七十九天。 #
- 12:38:14: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
- 13:38:37: I just watched Everyone's Demoted!! 1x02 "Episode 2" (url) #trakt #
- 19:03:53: RT @dearemon: 哈哈哈哈哈哈 (url) #
- 20:11:19: I just watched The Expanse 3x04 "Reload" (url) #trakt #
- 20:54:49: I just watched The Expanse 3x05 "Triple Point" (url) #trakt #
- 23:17:34: I just watched Se7en (1995) (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-03)
- 00:33:16: I just watched Men in Black (1997) (url) #trakt #
- 01:54:50: I just watched Men in Black II (2002) (url) #trakt #
- 06:45:10: 戒烟第八十七天 #
- 06:45:25: 减肥第七十八天 #
- 07:44:38: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x05 "Episode 5" (url) #trakt #
- 10:59:11: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 11:54:39: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 12:10:46: 醍醐灌顶的视频看着真过瘾觉得这是罪有应得。 #
- 12:54:34: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x08 "Episode 8" (url) #trakt #
- 13:04:41: 种子比磁力链靠谱啊。 #
- 18:22:00: 又是感觉非常劳累的一天。 #
- 18:39:09: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x09 "Episode 9" (url) #trakt #
- 19:30:50: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x10 "Episode 10 End" (url) #trakt #
- 20:27:49: I just watched The Expanse 3x01 "Fight or Flight" (url) #trakt #
- 21:10:44: I just watched The Expanse 3x02 "IFF" (url) #trakt #
- 21:55:30: I just watched The Expanse 3x03 "Assured Destruction" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-07-01)
- 01:17:25: I just watched Alita: Battle Angel (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 07:43:05: 戒烟第八十五天 #
- 07:51:16: 减肥第七十六天 #
- 08:21:10: @keyknight23 我倒觉得我用的水果机的使用时间明显比安卓强软件使用习惯的问题也说不定 #
- 12:18:32: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x02 "Episode 2" (url) #trakt #
- 12:50:34: @keyknight23 曾经用一加3只用Google Play的应用同样被折磨的死去活来。 #
- 13:13:48: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
- 15:37:32: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 19:29:05: RT @iSingle: @KenWong_ @manswear3 学习大佬,搞了黑群晖,蓝光电影,音响,显示屏,结果养娃了,客厅电视当摆设,最终还是在渣手机和电脑LCD屏流泪看剧。 #
- 19:31:20: RT @mohu_Movie: 猫を助けようと.... (url) #
- 19:36:54: 上推的最大好处可能就是看到这里乱哄哄的觉得家里真和谐 #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-30)
- 07:00:40: 戒烟第八十四天 #
- 07:00:49: 减肥第七十五天 #
- 13:58:06: @keyknight23 下次还是水果机吧 #
- 22:19:06: @keyknight23 但是生命周期要长。 #
- 23:50:35: I just watched Elementary 7x06 "Command: Delete" (url) #trakt #
博文 (Atom)
Mastodon Daily(2025-02-06)
银河系第四天灾回答了问题: 招商银行的私人银行是怎么样的? ...
https://t.co/uNZYlXmkBs 纪录片《老摇滚》,不到1分钟就爆燃,25分钟的时候泪目…… 2017年就要过去了,我很怀念她,也怀念曾经还热爱摇滚乐的日子。 推荐大家看看这部纪录片,在这个辞旧迎新的时刻。 — 零零发 (@linglingfa) Dec...
08:21:36: RT @likev : Python标准库 实现简单的 Web Server,可返回静态或动态网页。无需任何外部框架如 Django 或 Flask。 https://t.co/56OLNzcTiE # ...
13:13:31: 顺丰的速度真是快,昨天晚上深圳发,现在已经开始派送了。 # 14:21:17: 又开始下雪了。 # 15:45:03: 没想到我用的第一个JB设备竟然是MK808电视棒。 # 15:45:53: @nonozone 你没...