- 06:27:29: 戒烟第八十三天 #
- 06:27:43: 减肥第七十四天 #
- 07:49:31: RT @catarchives: Retweet for good luck (url) #
- 07:50:45: RT @knifepoint: RT @IAmSherlocked_B 真的是……一般都是家人伤害最深。 (url) #
- 08:24:14: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x10 "Episode 10 (Final)" (url) #trakt #
- 09:36:56: I just watched Women Who Eat (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 10:30:42: I just watched Waterboys (2001) (url) #trakt #
- 16:02:28: @keyknight23 路由器这东西应该不用频繁重启吧 #
- 16:31:03: I just watched Nurse in Action! 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
- 22:32:14: I just watched Swamp Thing 1x04 "Darkness on the Edge of Town" (url) #trakt #
- 23:24:12: I just watched Swamp Thing 1x05 "Experiment in Terror" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-29)
Twitter Daily(2019-06-28)
- 06:35:31: 戒烟第八十二天 #
- 06:35:44: 减肥第七十三天 #
- 10:35:06: RT @Art_Relatable: (url) #
- 12:10:53: RT @KininaruMirai: ベルトコンベアの常識をひっくり返したドイツ発の「Celluveyor」 (url) #
- 16:06:51: RT @muraba1: 【中国開票の種類】普通開票と専用開票 1.用途 普通開票:購買履歴 専用開票:購買履歴+税収証 2.記載内容 普通開票:単価と税金の金額を一緒に記載 専用開票:単価と税金が分けて記載 3.税金還付 普通開票:経費として利用 専用開票:税金還付が… #
- 16:14:40: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x09 "Episode 9" (url) #trakt #
- 19:06:48: Download Station保持速度的诀窍就是一直让它保持工作状态不管是下载还是上传。 #
- 19:09:42: 果真沙赞的男主角就是超市特工的男主角。 #
- 20:36:06: I just watched Shazam! (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 21:03:04: I just watched Butterfly Sleep (2017) (url) #trakt #
- 23:09:57: I just watched Sunny: Our Hearts Beat Together (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 23:12:49: 青春啊 (url) #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-27)
- 06:09:33: 戒烟第八十一天 #
- 06:09:50: 减肥第七十二天 #
- 10:50:54: @KenWong_ 把宽带速度降到百兆即可 #
- 18:13:14: I just watched The Good Fight 2x11 "Day 478" (url) #trakt #
- 19:40:42: I just watched The Good Fight 2x12 "Day 485" (url) #trakt #
- 20:45:04: I just watched The Good Fight 2x13 "Day 492" (url) #trakt #
- 22:02:32: I just watched The Good Fight 3x01 "The One About the Recent Troubles" (url) #trakt #
- 22:44:09: I just watched Outrage Coda (2017) (url) #trakt #
- 23:52:45: I just watched Big Little Lies 1x01 "Somebody's Dead" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-26)
- 00:04:29: I just watched The Good Fight 2x08 "Day 457" (url) #trakt #
- 07:30:39: I just watched The Good Fight 2x09 "Day 464" (url) #trakt #
- 09:15:35: 阴谋论太多了 #
- 09:16:57: RT @williamwoo7: 北野武用花式跌倒告诉年轻人…… (url) #
- 10:45:02: 戒烟第八十天。 #
- 10:45:11: 减肥第七十一天。 #
- 11:16:14: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
- 11:48:34: @keyknight23 83KG->80KG #
- 13:02:48: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 13:59:31: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x05 "Episode 5" (url) #trakt #
- 14:56:11: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 15:52:53: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 20:07:32: @keyknight23 低脂饮食加适量运动吧我猜的 #
- 20:57:50: I just watched The Good Fight 2x09 "Day 464" (url) #trakt #
- 21:35:07: I just watched The Good Fight 2x10 "Day 471" (url) #trakt #
- 22:34:51: I just watched The Good Fight 2x11 "Day 478" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-25)
- 12:33:15: I just watched Emergency Interrogation Room 3x10 "Episode 10" (url) #trakt #
- 16:39:34: I just watched The Good Fight 2x04 "Day 429" (url) #trakt #
- 17:51:33: I just watched The Good Fight 2x05 "Day 436" (url) #trakt #
- 22:04:02: I just watched The Good Fight 2x06 "Day 443" (url) #trakt #
- 22:56:04: I just watched The Good Fight 2x07 "Day 450" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-23)
- 06:07:30: 戒烟第七十七天 #
- 06:07:45: 减肥第六十八天 #
- 07:00:42: I just watched Elementary 7x05 "Into the Woods" (url) #trakt #
- 07:53:37: I just watched Emergency Interrogation Room 3x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 08:40:03: I just watched Emergency Interrogation Room 3x05 "Episode 5" (url) #trakt #
- 09:26:29: I just watched Emergency Interrogation Room 3x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 10:13:30: I just watched Emergency Interrogation Room 3x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 11:14:13: @ichimaru0223 日本这题太难了因为没有正确答案。 #
- 11:18:06: I just watched The Good Fight 1x10 "Chaos" (url) #trakt #
- 11:29:01: 准备把Safari作为主力浏览器。 #
- 12:06:17: 吃了点西瓜然后坏肚子了。 #
- 16:43:25: I just watched The Good Fight 2x01 "Day 408" (url) #trakt #
- 23:48:08: I just watched The Good Fight 2x02 "Day 415" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-21)
- 07:50:41: 戒烟第七十五天 #
- 07:50:50: 减肥第六十六天 #
- 12:49:03: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
- 12:52:15: RT @tihu: 谢谢字节跳蛋公司教会我原来通讯录不属于个人隐私。"该公司认为这不属于原告个人隐私信息,电话号码在日常民事交往中发挥信息交流作用,不但不应保密,反而是需要向他人告示。"(url) #
- 13:46:00: I just watched A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love 1x02 "Episode 2" (url) #trakt #
- 22:09:39: I just watched Every Day a Good Day (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 22:19:10: 结束辛苦劳累的一天老老实实的窝在沙发里继续看绝命毒师我想在老白的那种情况下可能那就是唯一选择。 #
- 22:20:55: macOS 10.15 beta明显更费电。 #
- 22:40:11: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x05 "Breakage" (url) #trakt #
- 23:13:35: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x06 "Peekaboo" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-20)
- 06:40:35: 戒烟第七十四天 #
- 06:40:59: 减肥第六十五天 #
- 13:09:24: 人有千万种个个都不同。 #
- 19:32:08: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x01 "Seven Thirty-Seven" (url) #trakt #
- 20:31:51: iOS的家庭成员的管理功能太强了 #
- 21:57:07: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x02 "Grilled" (url) #trakt #
- 22:45:43: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x03 "Bit by a Dead Bee" (url) #trakt #
- 23:55:19: I just watched Breaking Bad 2x04 "Down" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-19)
- 00:26:35: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x04 "Cancer Man" (url) #trakt #
- 06:54:53: PD充电也很猛啊 #
- 12:23:23: 戒烟第七十三天。 #
- 12:23:32: 减肥第六十四天。 #
- 12:50:24: I just watched Queen 1x05 "Soulmate" (url) #trakt #
- 13:36:54: I just watched Queen 1x06 "Living Up to Potential" (url) #trakt #
- 14:23:25: I just watched Queen 1x07 "The Frontline" (url) #trakt #
- 15:05:50: I just watched Queen 1x08 "Gender Bias" (url) #trakt #
- 15:23:20: I just watched Queen 1x09 "Take Himi Down" (url) #trakt #
- 17:05:25: I just watched Queen 1x10 "The Least Risky Plan" (url) #trakt #
- 17:35:18: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x05 "Gray Matter" (url) #trakt #
- 19:17:52: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x06 "Crazy Handful of Nothin'" (url) #trakt #
- 19:37:03: 一个多小时从百分之二十充电到百分之九十并不是想象中那么不堪 #
- 20:06:05: 又他妈停电了 #
- 23:22:56: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x07 "A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-18)
- 00:51:27: I just watched The Good Fight 1x09 "Self Condemned" (url) #trakt #
- 07:48:37: 戒烟第七十二天 #
- 07:48:47: 减肥第六十三天 #
- 12:47:17: 装了IOS13 beta2的描述文件要不要搞一下啊。 #
- 13:23:23: I just watched Queen 1x02 "Sexual Harrassment" (url) #trakt #
- 15:02:07: I just watched Queen 1x03 "The Betrayal" (url) #trakt #
- 15:48:38: I just watched Queen 1x04 "Weirdo" (url) #trakt #
- 18:51:38: 不管家里有人没人都是送丰巢了啊 #
- 20:59:02: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x01 "Pilot" (url) #trakt #
- 21:09:35: 又续了一年的京东会员 #
- 22:48:02: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x02 "Cat's in the Bag..." (url) #trakt #
- 22:57:54: RT @SteveStuWill: Just a bird doing a spot of fishing... 😮 (url) #
- 23:09:03: IOS13里的文件可以直接连接群晖的Drive了但是估计还是要先安装那个App才能连接吧。 #
- 23:36:48: I just watched Breaking Bad 1x03 "...And the Bag's in the River" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-17)
- 06:59:36: 戒烟第七十一天 #
- 06:59:49: 减肥第六十二天 #
- 07:46:11: 看来烟是戒掉了但是体重只有轻微变化 #
- 08:27:14: 什么时候能用上IOS13的正式版啊。 #
- 08:35:16: HBO的品质真的是很高。 #
- 10:47:38: 用了几天感觉faceid比touchid更舒服。 #
- 11:02:37: I just watched Queen 1x01 "True to Yourself" (url) #trakt #
- 11:39:38: RT @likev: 类似 (url) 和 (url) ,通过互联网访问内部网站。 Cloudflare 这个更高级,结合了 CDN 和 智能路由(Argo Smart Routing)技术,达到工业级标… #
- 19:34:14: 小米家的配送快递是宅急便刚刚把我在小米有品买的东西放到丰巢了更牛X的是又给我发了一个短信让我看到短信后给他回复短信告诉他收到了看来以后还是得用京东啊虽然服务品质也在下降但是不会这么Low。 #
- 19:52:26: macOS 10.15下Chrome在输入地址栏的时候突然变得很卡。 #
- 20:05:59: I just watched Song of Youth (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 21:30:01: 苹果周边也真费钱。 #
- 23:12:15: 这个月信用卡账单又爆了。 #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-16)
- 09:46:57: 戒烟第七十天 #
- 09:47:10: 减肥第六十一天 #
- 13:57:26: Plex都被DNS污染了这是什么情况。 #
- 17:45:48: I'm watching Our Planet 1x05 "Baby Animals and Animals with Shells" (url) #trakt #
- 18:08:29: I'm watching Our Planet 1x08 "Bouncy Animals and Ants" (url) #trakt #
- 18:10:51: I'm watching Natsume's Book of Friends The Movie: Tied to the Temporal World (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 18:51:16: I just watched Our Planet 1x08 "Bouncy Animals and Ants" (url) #trakt #
- 18:52:27: I'm watching Planet Earth 1x01 "From Pole to Pole" (url) #trakt #
- 18:53:43: I'm watching Masters In The Forbidden City (2016) (url) #trakt #
- 20:16:38: I just watched Masters In The Forbidden City (2016) (url) #trakt #
- 20:25:58: I'm watching The Hummingbird Project (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 22:02:01: I just watched The Hummingbird Project (2019) (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-15)
- 06:37:37: I just watched Green Book (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 06:44:32: I just watched Lazarat (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 06:46:59: I just watched Mega Time Squad (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 06:50:37: I just watched The Spy Who Fell to Earth (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 06:55:19: I just watched The Last Word (2017) (url) #trakt #
- 06:57:51: I just watched Urban Country (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 07:03:40: I just watched Assimilate (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 09:44:41: 戒烟第六十九天 #
- 09:44:52: 减肥第六十天 #
- 11:18:13: RT @RitaPanahi: This will be used as propaganda when the robot uprising comes. (url) #
- 14:33:13: I just watched Elementary 7x04 "Red Light, Green Light" (url) #trakt #
- 16:46:44: 突然XR得输入法显示不出来了重启后恢复。 #
- 16:48:29: 当年看棒球是印象最深刻的风景。 (url) #
- 17:13:35: 正式开通VoLTE #
- 17:18:18: 不知道联通什么时候下发VoLTE的配置文件。 #
- 17:23:26: 打电话还是回落到3G。 #
- 22:27:20: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x07 "Episode 7" (url) #trakt #
- 23:08:02: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x08 "Episode 8" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-14)
- 08:57:35: 戒烟第六十八天。 #
- 08:57:43: 减肥第五十九天 #
- 10:09:51: XR真是个板砖打架估计会很顺手。 #
- 10:11:44: @KenWong_ 这是上个世纪的Windows的崩溃效果吧。 #
- 11:02:57: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x04 "Episode 4" (url) #trakt #
- 11:44:25: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x05 "Episode 5" (url) #trakt #
- 12:25:23: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x06 "Episode 6" (url) #trakt #
- 13:52:34: 饿了 #
- 17:18:37: I just watched The Good Fight 1x04 "Henceforth Known as Property" (url) #trakt #
- 18:20:20: I just watched The Good Fight 1x05 "Stoppable: Requiem for an Airdate" (url) #trakt #
- 19:54:53: I just watched The Good Fight 1x06 "Social Media and Its Discontents" (url) #trakt #
- 21:41:31: I just watched The Good Fight 1x07 "Not So Grand Jury" (url) #trakt #
- 22:38:07: I just watched BraveStorm (2017) (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-12)
- 00:41:20: I just watched Warrior 1x10 "If You're Going to Bow, Bow Low" (url) #trakt #
- 11:26:34: 三天钱财换了一个小米手环3今天看新闻已经发布小米手环4了。 #
- 11:39:30: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x01 "Episode 1" (url) #trakt #
- 12:20:11: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x02 "Episode 2" (url) #trakt #
- 14:50:35: I just watched Tokyo Bachelors 1x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-11)
- 07:38:08: 戒烟第六十五天。 #
- 07:38:17: 减肥第五十六天。 #
- 07:54:41: I just watched Our Planet 1x01 "City Dwellers Fast and Slow" (url) #trakt #
- 10:32:19: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder //清DNS缓存 #
- 14:11:53: 折腾和被折腾 #
- 17:16:40: I just watched Crossroads (2011) (url) #trakt #
- 18:09:07: 妄图在黑群晖里进行视频硬解转码搞了半天才意识到黑群晖是安装在esxi里的并且还不能搞VGA直通。 #
- 22:17:00: I just watched The Poison Rose (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 22:24:46: I just watched Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 22:30:28: I just watched Our Planet 1x02 "Fish and Weather" (url) #trakt #
- 23:21:46: I just watched Our Planet 1x03 "Spiders and Animal Shelters" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-09)
- 04:20:08: 戒烟第六十三天 #
- 04:20:18: 减肥第五十四天 #
- 05:38:34: I just watched Shoplifters (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 06:16:46: I just watched Dead to Me 1x04 "I Can't Go Back" (url) #trakt #
- 06:48:43: I just watched Dead to Me 1x05 "I've Gotta Get Away" (url) #trakt #
- 07:16:51: I just watched Dead to Me 1x06 "Oh My God" (url) #trakt #
- 10:21:59: I just watched Warrior 1x09 "Chinese Boxing" (url) #trakt #
- 11:04:22: I just watched Emergency Interrogation Room 3x03 "Episode 3" (url) #trakt #
- 12:07:04: I just watched Barry 1x01 "Chapter One: Make Your Mark" (url) #trakt #
- 16:27:19: I just watched Dynasties 1x01 "Chimpanzee" (url) #trakt #
- 17:45:08: I just watched Swamp Thing 1x02 "Worlds Apart" (url) #trakt #
- 20:08:22: I just watched Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 20:56:17: I just watched Dynasties 1x02 "Emperor" (url) #trakt #
- 22:07:05: I just watched Dynasties 1x03 "Lion" (url) #trakt #
- 23:08:34: I just watched Dynasties 1x04 "Painted Wolf" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-08)
- 07:06:54: I just watched Warrior 1x08 "They Don't Pay Us Enough to Think" (url) #trakt #
- 08:01:53: I just watched Elementary 7x03 "The Price of Admission" (url) #trakt #
- 09:35:50: I just watched Dead to Me 1x03 "It's All My Fault" (url) #trakt #
- 10:26:26: 戒烟第六十二天 #
- 10:26:41: 减肥第五十三天 #
- 11:25:45: 减肥完全没有效果。 #
- 14:09:42: I just watched Apollo 11 (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 14:38:56: I just watched The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 16:09:04: RT @lepture: 做了一个中文独立播客列表,欢迎大家提交自己的 Podcast (url) 演示地址:(url) #
- 18:14:09: I just watched Cold Pursuit (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 18:40:49: 头痛感觉要生病 #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-07)
- 06:58:36: I just watched Godzilla (2014) (url) #trakt #
- 07:23:27: I just watched Shin Godzilla (2016) (url) #trakt #
- 07:54:18: I just watched The Mummy (2017) (url) #TheMummy #trakt #
- 08:03:41: I just watched Always Be My Maybe (2019) (url) #trakt #
- 11:33:54: 希望同时把上传的速度也限制一下用来节省成本 (url) #
- 11:34:33: RT @likev: It's June 07, 2019 at 09:15AM 今日必应图片 (url) #
- 12:48:49: 戒烟第六十一天 #
- 12:49:14: 减肥第五十二天 #
- 21:30:20: I just watched Ocean's Eight (2018) (url) #trakt #
- 22:18:09: I just watched Dead to Me 1x02 "Maybe I'm Crazy" (url) #trakt #
- 23:18:47: I just watched The Handmaid's Tale 1x01 "Offred" (url) #trakt #
- 23:48:13: I just watched Warrior 1x07 "The Tiger and the Fox" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-06)
- 06:55:57: 戒烟第六十天。 #
- 06:56:06: 减肥第五十一天。 #
- 10:00:13: 杀毒软件是不是近乎绝迹了啊。 #
- 10:02:33: RT @sbschinese: 激进化的悉尼大学生Ihsas Khan高喊"真主至大",向邻居Wayne Greenhalgh追砍,只因邻居穿着的T恤上的话跟他的极端主义观点不一致。 (url) #
- 10:48:29: 最近流量计算很不准到今天为止只是用了3M的流量。 #
- 12:34:11: 刚刚Siri提示我明天是端午节建议我取消明天早上6点的闹钟这是从智障进化到智能了吗? #
- 14:03:07: 小米手环好像是连不上了。 #
- 15:47:06: 翻看十年前的blog科技进步的速度实在太可怕了未来人类真的会被机器淘汰。 #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-05)
- 07:00:21: I just watched Yotsuba Ginko Harashima Hiromi ga Monomosu: Kono Onna ni Kakeru 1x05 "5" (url) #trakt #
- 07:03:15: 戒烟第五十九天 #
- 07:03:28: 减肥第五十天 #
- 07:51:07: IOS13升级中。 #
- 12:54:34: 升级IOS13失败重新刷机恢复到IOS13成功。 #
- 13:05:22: 充电速度好像是慢了。 #
- 13:37:03: 分拆出来的播客应用好像不是很稳定。 #
- 22:13:48: I just watched Chernobyl 1x05 "Vichnaya Pamyat" (url) #trakt #
Twitter Daily(2019-06-04)
- 06:48:05: I'm watching Good Omens 1x01 "In the Beginning" (url) #trakt #
- 08:13:07: 戒烟第五十八天。 #
- 08:13:19: 减肥第四十九天。 #
- 08:27:43: RT @sy1pWOapeK4NkJI: "如果一项美德只有女性需要具备,却并不同样要求男性,它的实质肯定是一个阴谋。如果一项美德只要求下位者具备,却不要求上位者,那它一定是一种剥削。" #
- 08:50:39: 焦虑应该是比较普遍的现代病吧。 #
- 09:37:08: 傻缺到什么时候都是傻缺。 #
- 11:27:44: 通过RSS订阅追剧似乎成功了。 #
- 11:46:48: 想更IOS13了因为可以给App设定不同的语言通过这种方式应该能屏蔽掉一些丧心病狂的广告和推送吧。 #
- 11:48:21: AppleMusic真是一个好服务。 #
- 14:20:28: RT @cni9k: 在一阵阵厮杀的快感中迷失了自我 (url) #
- 16:17:44: I'm watching Chernobyl 1x05 "Vichnaya Pamyat" (url) #trakt #
- 17:51:38: I just watched Good Omens 1x04 "Saturday Morning Funtime" (url) #trakt #
- 19:02:15: I just watched Good Omens 1x05 "The Doomsday Option" (url) #trakt #
- 19:56:56: I just watched Good Omens 1x06 "The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives" (url) #trakt #
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Mastodon Daily(2025-02-07)
I just watched The Recruit 1x06 "I.C.I.N.C." https://trakt.tv/shows/the-recru...
https://t.co/uNZYlXmkBs 纪录片《老摇滚》,不到1分钟就爆燃,25分钟的时候泪目…… 2017年就要过去了,我很怀念她,也怀念曾经还热爱摇滚乐的日子。 推荐大家看看这部纪录片,在这个辞旧迎新的时刻。 — 零零发 (@linglingfa) Dec...
08:21:36: RT @likev : Python标准库 实现简单的 Web Server,可返回静态或动态网页。无需任何外部框架如 Django 或 Flask。 https://t.co/56OLNzcTiE # ...
13:13:31: 顺丰的速度真是快,昨天晚上深圳发,现在已经开始派送了。 # 14:21:17: 又开始下雪了。 # 15:45:03: 没想到我用的第一个JB设备竟然是MK808电视棒。 # 15:45:53: @nonozone 你没...